My Background

I'm Ishika, an graduate with a B.S./M.S. in Computer Science focusing on HCI and UI/UX. I started off as a computer science major in 2019, and as my coursework advanced, I found the field of UI/UX. I fell in love with it. I decided to pursue my M.S in Computer Science emphasizing Human Computer Interaction. I wanted to grow my technical understanding, while also implementing beautiful/ functional designs based on user' needs. This is the direction I want to start my career in. Computer Science has taught me superior logical reasoning and efficiency when learning new tools. I am very knowledgeable on all UX research tools and methodologies, and am capable of effectively breaking down large scale user problems, to figure out the most efficient avenues for research and design. I have practiced this skill for the past 5 years, as this is similar to computer science where a developer figures out which tools/ methods to use to produce the most efficient solution. 

My favorite UI/UX accomplishments have been: 

1) R&D for a high fidelity way-finding application for the MN State Fair on Figma over 3 months.

2) Helping Autism Sibs Universe, a nonprofit rebrand their website to better fit neuro-divergent needs over 12 months.